You get fat! You wonder why you get fat, the universe is a cauldron of energy, you are storing it, and you are storing it because you are not releasing it, passing it on, and or you might have a voracious lover that is making you fat. Lovers transfer energy onto each other, the transference takes place mostly while making love, but tiny amounts are transferred with proximity and serve as chains which cling together when distance separates lovers, family, friends, acquaintances and even strangers. When you are tuned to your lover, this energy fixes your position always in relationship to the loved one, or loved ones. It is what causes your belly to ache when you transgress the cardinal laws of the relationship, it is what induces an emotional gulping ache when there is a tragedy, it is what grows the euphoric soul of those feeling each other within.
Energy arches between lovers and loved ones. More so between lovers, lovers form an energy loop, the energy loop aches or joys, but it really just feels everything happening between the loved entities, enhancing perception and creating a larger world essence.
World essence is fundamental to the nature of being, and it is how we actually learn things without learning them. Energy arcs through the entire human race, there isn’t any clear cut separation between a human being on the north pole and one on the south pole. Even a man on the moon is chained by invisible energy constituents all the way back to earth. You can cross that energy arc from any point behind the traveled path and it will echo both your presence and the former presence of the being that traveled through.
The energy that you are leaves a trail where ever it goes, and that trail is how we connect to everyone we haven’t met, it is possible to know more people than we know we know. Their histories crash into our field of being, and constantly transfer knowledge, cosmic energy and essence awareness. The more paths we cross the greater our world view, the greater our awareness, the clearer our comprehension. We must cross the path of every human, connect, connect.
When arcs of world essence crisscross they reveal what was before an unknown, they expand the bridge through which humanity and the universe meet us, they draw greater and greater awareness as one human meeting another is an adulterated essence now really more than one; the increase continues, and the growth and comprehension is exponentially increased with each person that you meet. The surest way to engorge is through the mystification of your human experience. Mystification occurs only through touching humanity. How you touch them, through contemplation, through kindness, or by simply crossing their life arc, is irrelevant, experiencing humanity mystifies.
Mystification is a complex phenomena that would be impossible to explain with the mere laws of physics. Best I can explain it is through an indirect explanation, the greater your sense of mystification the less your need for knowledge, there is no grater danger to knowledge than mystification. When you touch humans you acquire a intuitive comprehension which obliterates knowledge. It becomes ridiculous to be so pedestrian, only the mystic does not ridicule knowledge, it doesn’t occur to the mystic that knowledge is something to disdain, the mystic simply does not live the condition of knowledge.
Mystification is a danger to technology. Today they are working on perfecting the infamous Operating System. The operating system, as you must know, is what works all the pulleys and cogs that make a computer function input, process and output. It is the heart and the brain all wrapped up in one. More and more centralization is attempting to make the operating system everything, all the files that were different, photo files, word processing documents, sound and graphic files will all look the same and be treated more or less the same, except when it comes to presentation, and the climax of this orgy will arrive when your computer will know everything about you, tell it to whom it needs to tell it, plan your day for you, gather all your business partners, and keep track of where in the building you are so that the nearest computer to you will offer you all the games or work files that it knows you need. And so all these brilliant and very knowledgeable people are racing to create this know-it-all systems, and the more they do this, they come into contact with more and more of the world’s peoples which translates to a slow but certain mystification, resistible only through the accumulation of knowledge but equally knowledge is eroded by human emotional contact, which increases, however gradually, mystification. Which translates that it is entirely possible for future operating systems and future technologies, nano-technology included, and sadly also the ever intriguing super-conductors and quantum qbits, entirely possible that when they are mature enough to be functionally beneficial and cost effective, entirely possible that they will be made useless by mystification.
Perhaps fusion could survive, it seems largely none-technological, perhaps that is why fusion has been so difficult to develop, because it is largely technologyless, which is why the scientist haven’t figured fusion out. Fusion then must too wait for mystification to occur. Now you are aware that mystification occurs by way of incessant interaction with other human beings, and this interaction is currently taking place through and because of technology, which invariably will give rise to mystification which will render technology obsolete, specially when it perfects itself, because all perfection requires massive concentration and massive interaction to occur. Blink. Blank.