Monogamy rises from our inherent need to trounce upon our humanity and create the isolated path required by our severed consciousness. This is the market value and true cost of individuality. The severed humane consciousness alienates itself into an infinite reductionism that denies our genetic and cosmic marriage to humanity. We get a divorce from humanity but this does not mean that humanity separates from us, us our individuality grows, it is merely our separation from humanity that grows, it is merely our isolation that grows, but the eternal connection between one human and another human, and between an individual and society does not identify a separation, humanity can not be divided by its component parts, it is the sum of whole that equals one individual and all humanity.
Again, you may view your independence as important and critical, humanity feels a little different, your independence is a threat to the glorification of its essence. Humanity does not care for your individuality and why should it if all it accomplishes is a reduction of feeling, touching, sensing, emotional growth and even that disgusting thing we call learning. I might take the time to point out that learning is not all bad, especially if it turns out, as the evidence might point out, that the universe is indeed not that interested in humanity and may have acquired a great degree of separation from us, and that independence could easily imply that humanity may go extinct and the universe would not care of it. Interdependencies are magnifiers while individualities are inherently small and unstable. Homogenization is most desired but issue might be taken with the type of homogenization that occurs. Where is my coffee?
Things that are not alike are allowed a degree of separation that may invite mutual destruction when these two disparate things come into contact with one another. For instance the similarity between god and humanity is really not very realistic, whenever god attempts to make contact we kill him. While most people might see this as a terrible and inhumane act the reality is that it is probably the most humane act imaginable under the circumstances, presented when a divine entity attempts to enter terrestrial life. First, it is obvious that god prefers heaven-type environments, god wants to recreate this type of environment everywhere so that he can go anywhere he likes and be safe and happy. But humanity has resisted because that is the right thing for humanity to do. And resistance here is appropriate because god is trying to appropriate us, to make us into atoms of god and while that is good for god, and at some level it might be good for us, it is not the us that we recognize and certainly not the essence which we are most naturally given to assume. Humanity is humanity, and when god comes down and sees the magnificent energy and life force, god wrongly assumes that he can metamorphose us into god essence and magnify his existence. Unfortunately we revolt against this and crucify god or kill him or refuse to let him into our spirits. Important to realize here is that we have a spirit without god, there is no need for our spirits to share in holy matrimony with a god thing, the god thing is composed of its own holy spirit and the conversion of our supra-energy into its essence is the enactment of holy conquering ambitions. Of course god may not see it as such, god may see it as a kind act, to vanquish the ways and forms of our humanity, god may factor that such is a positively enlightening path for us all. God is therefore not objective, when god touches our objectivity he finds blood and spikes. And you might say why is it so easy to kill god? Because we are largely divorced from his essence, it is not something endemic to us, and so god becomes an easy target in our habitat. If god were instead successful and coerced us to live in heaven and behave accordingly, we would then be venerable and “preyable.” Prey and pray obviously imply the same thing. God’s bullets are prayers, the rosary is you counting yourself out.
Of course, don’t get all mad at god, for what god does is what we all do; the difference is merely in the essence and not in the methodology. You have opted to be a human essence and as such it would be a betrayal of you to pursue anything higher or lower or even or dimensionally opposed to this essence. I mean that if you could convert yourself into god you wouldn’t be here, and the transformation to the god essence requires your death in this life. Your desire in this existence is purely based on your human aspirations as they rise from the desire energy that surmounted the obstacle of irrational nothingness. Transformations, while duly interesting and fascinating, are neglected by the laws of the universe. Hence the reason why you might be dissatisfied for a long time before reaching the essence which you truly desire but have not the belief in you to exist.
It is this dissatisfaction which creates your individuality. Your universal consciousness realizes that the universe is a treasure chest of infinite and wonderful possibility, somewhere within you is the possibility and hence the reason why you could be anything or any entity within the universe, and it does not confine you to just this universe, deeper still within the prime of the cosmic is your energy to be in any dimension and any universe and of course, even in the nothingness, even in the nothingness. So it is without doubt that your escape or desire sentiments are genuine, at some level in some dimension, the question is can you get there from here, and the answer is fatally NO!
Sorry to be the one to tell you this, hope I haven’t spilled your coffee, but the jolt was necessary because while the universe does not have laws that can not be broken, it does have processes that once started are based on their energy of limitation and energy of desire. The energy lemmatization is based on the desire energy that harvested your existence. In your case, I can factually say that your desire energy was rather miniscule and this is due to the obvious human apparition that you are. You were born into your humanity because that was the energy of desire that you had to exchange for existence. Had you had infinitely more energy you could have been a neutrino or a photon, my more preferred existences, but no, you cashed in your desire energy chips before they were worth critical mass and so instead of being a vibrant quasar you are a simmering energy human slipping back to the nothingness almost faster than you’ve arrived.
Now you are here, what to do? What to do with you? Well I think it right to inform you that the cosmic, once it acknowledges your existence, records it in a universal time table that is most difficult to erase, in short, once an essence has acquired existence, it is much easier for the essence to exist yet again, and this even if it has gone extinct. By this measure a dinosaur has million trillion more chances of existing again than any other thing that has never existed. Equally, and I think for you more harrowing, the cosmic history of existent essence, while a great affirmer is also a great denier. Your cosmic energy leaves an imprint, not only in the universe but also within you, and this imprint is precisely what governs reincarnation, you are more likely to reincarnate than to be born something else, and this is true for all the entities in the universe, it is always easiest and most common for you to be the last essence thing that you were. Breaking this weird loop is tough stuff, and what it requires is most humorous.
See if you don’t like it here, as I don’t, then you probably don’t want to come back, and you might not want to be a human in any other humanity for humanities are bound to be very much the same everywhere in the universe, essence follows an asymmetrical symmetry, that is things are much the same though the character and terrain might vary a bit. Bloody indeed, then, if you don’t like it here, there is only one way for you to get out. You have to be more here, more here, you have to immerse yourself in the cauldron of existence, and get deep into being and deeper yet into your humanity and only after you dig yourself to the core of what is the nature of your current being, only then might you be able to get out!
Why this torturous process, because it is your desire energy that brought you here stupid! You wouldn’t be here had you not desired it, and the universe acts out your wish, but then it makes you live it all the way or and it won’t cancel it out. Remember when you were kid and you would get bored with the toy that you most had wanted and your parents would just get you another different toy and so on… the universe is not as imbecilic as your parents, you make a wish and you get to live it out like it or not. And since the universe has its own imperatives, which are more gargantuan that you are and which have their own time tables, what you desire does not always coincide with the best of times for the chosen essence manifestation. The most common incongruity in the universe is the appearance of an essence in a disjointed time of desire. I might have decided and desired to be a human but I must say being born in the cold war, post-existentialism and during the rise of capitalism and materialism was not on the menu. Still that is what I got, and you think it ok, yet not for me it isn’t, but that is what I get to keep. Now I don’t want to reincarnate, I don’t want to come back here, and so what am I to do?
I could just do as many do and exit quick via suicide. Or I can deny that I am human and say that I come from another planet, or I can just alienate society and humanity in general and become a hermit. Ironically, while all these things appear a sure escape mechanism they are actually the most bound to keep me here within the parameters of humanity. A hermit, the most distant thing from society is the most likely to reincarnate. Nothing keeps you here more than not living out the here situation. Suicide is sure to be the beginning point of another reincarnation. You get locked into your desire energy position by the cosmic and you can’t get out until you live the condition out, and the universe does not care about your misery, angst, drama or manic depression. The universe does not acknowledge that you could have desired to be something that makes you unhappy, the universe does not imagine that you might not have selected your parents, wrong, the universe knows how much energy of desire powers any creation and so it knows that if it happened, if it came to pass there had to be infinite local desire for it to be and the universe does not allow for any alterations, even as time and dimension can alter and wreak havoc upon your existence.
And so it is my good friend, that you must acknowledge your existence in relationship to humanity and not your individuality, be a hermit and cycle back into existence infinitely, the less you touch this world the less likely you are to ever touch another world. The less you appreciate your being the less likely you are to stop touching it, you will forever be moribund within the loop of this denied existence. And this is because you can not deny what you desire once the desire has manifested itself. Accept then you the fact of your congregation, be yourself, live out this desired existence, and as you so fuse yourself into humanity, with all the energy that you have within you to be a part of the humanity which is all the energy you had to desire, then immerse yourself in it, and as you fulfill your internal desire, the immensity of the fulfillment, your original desire is wasted away. That is correct, living out your original desire wastes away the energy and the magnitude and amplitude of that desire, and if you fulfill such within this lifetime, you won’t have to reincarnate, not because the universe will get tired of your repetition, the universe does not acknowledge anything more than once, this life can happen to you endlessly and the universe always records it as a one time event, this is the cosmic being serious, the universe takes you seriously, the repetition is humorless, the universe does not repeat anything, it merely conceives new things over and over again, which somehow never add up to two or three of a kind, always one, everything is treated as a one or a nothing. So why is it that if you live out your desired being essence, you get to get out? This is the trick of tricks, it is because the desire has been exhausted within you, you are the only one that can create your desire condition, it is your desire that creates from the nothingness. Just because you do not have knowledge of it, you so wanted to be here that you are here, and it is impossible to change primordial desire because it is the easiest default form of expression, it is what everything in the universe remembers that makes you keep on coming back, the only way to force the universe to see you and recognize you and create you in a different light is by way of your pure energy desire being made wholly different, and the only way desire can be erased is by fulfillment, once fulfilled desire dies completely.
That is all.