Averageness is conservative, this we know because in order for anything to be average it has to have massive appeal in the comfort category, it is therefore conservative because comfort is only found where the environment or condition has stabilized; that is lost most of its dynamic.
This is not to say that there are not, unstable environments and unstable conditions that are not in themselves conservative. If you look at Sun, the thing is pretty much the same molting, melting, cauldron for 10 billion years, very much the same thing, so rather average as far as activity is concerned, in that it is stable even as it is a reactive environment.
The only thing that is really not average then, is something that is changing dramatically, energetically, and mostly instantly, or very near real time. The composition of this is what we call radical, because the none average thing is molesting itself to reach unknown conditions, this because radically changing environments are self destructive, they are not so much banking on some precise futuristic determination, they are not attempting to evolve, rather they have not reached a comfort level with character and so continue to violate themselves and their surroundings so as to pursue nihilistic aims, which by pure accident might have edifying consequences.
Most environments that don’t stabilize, normalize have two things in common which we might dare say makes them average. They are all radically unstable and have poor relations with their surroundings. Radical environments also have one more thing in common which again might make them average, they are rare. Radical environments do not much occur, they are a rare circumstance. If you take a peak at the universe, the universe is mostly boring, mostly the same no matter which direction you look at, and the construction seems to follow a very comfortable and precise pattern and constancy. You have galaxies, you have solar systems, you have black holes, you have comets, and you have vast amounts of space, lots of space in-between the matter, all defined by light transversing to and fro. Anyone with any mindful knowledge of the universe, might just conclude that we have been sent to our room, the room is really mostly dark.
Radical environments settle as they mature their energies, that is as they run out of energy to kick things around. This is as much true of cosmic environments as it of teenagers. It is easy to send a teenager to war because they are still radically unstable of character, they are just kicking things around, they have not had the time to develop consciousness, to them the world is largely a kinetic experience, hence the reason why they are so amenable. You might awaken here and ask, what do you mean amenable, kinetic forces are hardly amenable? True indeed but equally wrong. Unstable radical environments have the ability of shock effect, but not of persistence, and persistence is what is truly powerful, even as is boringly average in nature; sadly averageness by its inherent comfort and stability has destroyed an infinite amount of radicals. Suburbia is mass insubordination against radicalism. A radical pierces, but has no staying power for the very simple reason that radical environments are inherently unstable, they have the tendency not to persist in any given direction, or character, radicals will not conform to march in a parade with other radicals; an intruder can disrupt the inconsistency that a radical environment possess simply by stimulating one of its constituent parts, thus inducing a chaotic reaction throughout the whole. In sum, conservative surroundings are a dangerous and active catalyst for inherently unstable radical characters.
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