Illustriously there is nothing more defined, known and well documented than a moralist. When you think of a mystic, you might say “I don’t believe there is such a thing…” or “I am curious and plan to study them…” the truth is you won’t ever really get to know a mystic because they are so loosely defined, known, positioned, and categorized even by the civilizations that have bothered to record their movements. Russia’s Rasputin one example, but the same falls to Prophets; they accomplish the same ritualistic incoherence, prophets, might be able to divine the future, but they rarely acquire any substance essence within their times. One might say that prophets simply prefer longevity over mortal existence but it all goes to another level, the real reason that prophets, poets, and mystics have such loose career definitions has to do with the uncertainty of their destiny. A mystic might be a conflict and in pseudo harmony with a few hundred metaphysical forces at any given point. If the mystics were able to be as narrow minded as the scientists or a moralist, the mystics would be able to isolate metaphysical energies, create a table of metaphysical elements with all their weights and masculine interactions; mystics however don’t do this because their world is not that simple.
Definition gives local strength, but definition is simple, it has to be, complexity can not be tightened down, clamped and served on a textbook for the world societies to comprehend. This is precisely why scientists have come to the conclusion that the universe is simple and that it can be tied down with one grand glorified unified theory. This is the rough of it, science, and count any of them here, has come to the conclusion that there are four primary forces in the universe, the weak force, the strong force, the gravitational force and the electromagnetic. Really, only those, and from those derive all the other forces. No matter how you twisted, there is simplicity in science, there are four states of matter, liquid, solid, gas and plasma. Sure, it is possible that science will find another state of matter or more forces, etc… what is unlikely is that science will ever discover more than 100 unique and individual forces or states of matter. Why, because simplicity forces science to drill down the numbers to basic principles. Simplicity is truth, all of the universe is so damn simple it should make sense. The moralists for their part say that god is simple, only ten commandments, and love is the main recipe. Which is precisely why it is easy to be a moralist and a scientist, they don’t have any real mystery in their lives. One knows that nature is simple and consistent and the other knows that god I great and loves everyone.
For mystics, prophets and poets, there are too many realities to define them in any coherent fashion, which is why the message is so difficult to deliver. Nor, would I think, there be such a thing as a prophet that could claim to understand an infinitesimal iota about what they do for a living, much less make much money at it, and even less get an institution to certify that our mystic had official mystic powers. The idea is even more farcical for prophets, which by virtue of distance from the cause celebre have difficulty in completing their thesis.
Moralist however know their place in the world, and better yet, know your place in the world and mine too. This ability while enviable if it were true, is indeed false. What a moralist has made of himself is a local boy; and this he accomplishes by methodically setting out to trim his lawn every week, attend church, maintain a ritualistic order, and manage to believe that the entire universe is going to eventually conform to his deterministic endeavor. When a moralist trims the grass, he imagines the universe becoming more organized. This of course is contrary to the law of entropy, which I particularly like, because it messes things up inversely quadrupled & exponentially in relationship to how organized local boy is.
Land this plane now. Ok. What moralists fail to realize is that there are times when it is great and wonderful to be a moralist and there are times when it is great and wonderful to be irreverent and decadent. There have been plenty of times, for sure in my life, when I have been terrible and terribly good. Neither time seemed, for the most part, to contradict the other in any significant way, this thanks to the linear passage of time which makes moral exclusion possible. I mean that what terrible thing I did ten years ago, stayed within the context of the times and the character that I was a decade ago. It is very easy for me, and anyone with enough heart to imagine that at any given point they could accomplish any misdeed, equally, one has it in one self to be normal or spectacular depending on the circumstances, it would be fooling a great mind to think that it is reluctant to recalcitrant anomalies and change.
There is no point of reference that guarantees the reference point.
A moralist then is nothing more than a person that doesn’t know when to be bad. Don’t pose. Life is not about posing, anything that you do long enough and well enough ought get boring and stale. If you can be a Christian all of your life you haven’t lived all of your life. Finding the exact position of the universe somewhere inside of your head might be more interesting; then taking that universe and blowing it up, might be more exciting. Think about it.