Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Persistence & Consistency

Here is your universe: 890076.0965. The test doesn’t matter, why it doesn’t matter is interesting, why it matters is obvious. It doesn’t matter because the rest of the universe can operate and live without you, the universe does not need you to feel like a universe, or more pressing it does not need you to define itself which translates to, the universe does not need you to exist. If you and all of humanity were attacked by hugely horned rhinoceros and all squashed and horned to death, the universe would not blink. This would even be true at a more fatalistic level; if all of the possible and impossible humanities in the universe were to disappear, go back into the nothingness, the universe would not alter its character any. Nor would it take notice of the missing 890076.0965.

This is because the universe and you only have one thing in common, energy, once you get energy out of the way, you and the universe live in different dimensions, it is the separation of those dimensions that makes it impossible for you, to go as you are, to another dimension, going to the moon for instance is as complex and going to another galaxy, another dimension requires some transformations that might involved leaving your own body behind. Again, the cost of transferring yourself through places that have little or nothing in common with you is difficult, as well as it should be, because nothing between here and the moon wants to help you stay alive, everything between here and the moon and here and another galaxy lives without you. Your environment has to be like you in order for you to survive without major maintenance and hardship. A superconductor-supercollider, works very hard to recreate exotic particles that will not inhabit our environment, that is precisely why a superconductor-supercollider is so damn expensive, because it requires severe energy strain to accomplish things that are not even visible to the naked eye. You are an exotic particle. That is rare. But rare is not something that things can share in common, so while you are rare, that does not mean that you have something in common with an exotic particle that is also rare. Rare is not a transferable condition, the human race is rare, but it has nothing in common with an exotic particle that is also rare, and even more impressive, we have less in common with a rare anything, a rare exotic particle has less in common with us than even all the particles and space in the nearest galaxy.

This all matters because it determines your constancy in the universe. You probably have heard of the cosmic constant, or the background energy of the universe, a hissing sound, that constant is what tenses and radiates all universe energies to all universe energies at the lighter side of the spectrum, the hissing sound is merely a result of the infinite consultations that the mattress of the universe has with its springs and with the masses that try unsuccessfully in the long term, but in billions of years wholly tolerable, to sleep with it. Everything that affects the constancy of the universe inversely determines its on importance. Since you are the scum energy of the universe, your constancy ratio in the universe is really zero. Now some of you refiners and minders out there will argue that there can not be a zero constancy, well yes, we are not at zero constancy, and correctly can not be, especially if we are on the visible end of the spectrum, though this might actually mean that we are more invisible, a neutrino and a photon are both invisible and largely massless and have a greater impact and contact in the universe than you and I. But that is a whole other story, we are just talking about the constancy factor, then let us stay with that deliciously boring problem. Consistency means that you are a part of something, the bigger question is to what degree are you part of it, the greater your consistency level with your surroundings the greater your chances of persistence in the environment. Your consistency factor in the universe is almost zero, so it largely does not matter, you have a foot in the door, that is all, the universe is constantly trying to close the door, the universe only allows guests that push, pull, create friction, and force their way in. Anything using the force required to get in, usually has 100% consistency with the universe. That is a Sun, is very much part whole of the universe, safe to say that the sun feels at home in the universe. The sun is so much a part of the universe, that the sun doesn’t have to care about the things that are around it as it spins like a mad woman and hurdles its mass through the space-time continuum.

Everything in the universe is a guests, super novas are a preferred guest, so are black holes, you, I hate to say it, Rosa, will hate me to say it, you are scum, (from another more correct angle on your way out of the universe, and trying to get back in,) and you have to worry about everything in the universe, and specially feet away from you. The reason why you worry so much has to do with your consistency factor, your consistency does not allow for a high degree of endemic persistence which would allow for high degrees of consistency. So you worry a lot, “Oh no I am going to die!” “Oh no my great, great grandchildren are going to die!” Highly persistent things don’t have to ask themselves these type of questions, hence the reason why they don’t develop consciousness. You wouldn’t imagine the sun worrying about the fact that it only has five billion years left to live. This is precisely why the sun didn’t invent the clock, you did!

Things that have a high level of persistence have all one thing in common, they are not in conflict with any of their constituent parts. The sun allows for fusion and fission to coexist, this is not a simple accord, but when you allow for such fascinating fricticious frictionless dynamics you get the benefit of being the vessel composition of that dynamic, the sun, by character, is none of the things that it is composed of, but it is all those things.

If you wanted to have a high level of persistence, within the confines of your energy limitations, which could easily be expropriated by most things in the universe, a meteor for instance has a higher amount of purdah persistence than you, hence the reason for its ability to persist against you, and kill you. This is why scientists worry so much about the ozone layer, you don’t have a high amount of persistence, you are fragile, your ability to adapt is really intolerant, you don’t adapt, you have to change your surroundings to your conditional parameters, just like the universe. So if you want to persist, the formulae is really simple, you have to harmonize all of your parts, because to change your surroundings, and magnify your self essence, you require vast amounts of energy excretion and concentration. Persistency requires harmony with constituent parts. That is what it mostly requires, it also requires collaboration from the environment, but this is much harder to obtain. It’s easier just to try to agree with one another as impossible as that might seem.

For humanity the question of consistency rest then on the premise that we unite all of the humanities in the universe. A neutrino does not have to look very far to find another neutrino, though for a neutrino to crash into another neutrino is a very life defying and exotic act, but neutrinos are rather common, compared to humanities, extremely common. So your number one goal, to open more of the universe and your consciousness of it, is to unite with other humanities and to touch all the 890076.0965. The 890076.0965 will confer connectivity and raise and expand your consciousness to the ratio found in those humanities that have made contact with 890076.0965. But aside from that obvious requirement, if you meet other humanities, as there is only one, even if they are disparate in space-time, you must harmonize yourself with those humanities. And indeed, this is the difficult part. For you haven’t even harmonized yourself into the humanity that you can now visualize and touch. On the contrary, humans have done more damage to themselves than their surroundings. Humans have thought to mystify and make unique the concept quanta we call a human; so as to create a separation from the individual that in turn makes a humanity; and tragically the only part of that equation that truly matters is the humanity.

Part of the reason why we have been so slow to progress is due to the inner conflict that creates a disparate humanity based on sectarian values. Against a universe, the proportion of local value judgments and priorities makes the pettiness gargantuan in stature and has the sordid effect of adding to our cosmic insignificance.