Wednesday, August 30, 2006


This is the thing 890076.0965 is the relay station that absorbs the energies that you release, it is like a doormat, everyone that touches it, enters humanity, everyone that exits it leaves a significant trail. Within your existence you are a relay station for the energies that others possess and the others compliment you by them themselves being relay stations, while 890076.0965 is merely a transponder that acts as a continuum between you and the others, it holds the energy of humanity, the humanity that crosses it, and when a human approaches it releases it through a super conductive dynamic that is activated by your proximity.

890076.0965 is detectable, but it is not alterable, it merely absorbs energy like a sponge, and even as it absorbs energy/mass it does not gain weight nor does it magnify its appearance or essence. It is very much like numbers, their values if added in congregation multiply but are whole and fixed; the very reason why, not being as adaptable as a vocabulary composed of alphabet, numbers do not come in capitals or better put, they are maximized capitals that can not be altered in the way that say capital: “L” alters itself in dimension: “l”. So fused is the value in 890076.0965 that it is said that it is not composed of anything else; this even as just its name seems to hold some value. Of course it holds no value to itself so one may argue that it is inorganic and has no value.

890076.0965 is then to us, perhaps detectable, and I believe that scientists have already detected it, but since in posses no inherent value they can not explain it and scientists don’t bother with things that have no explanation. 890076.0965 however does have a none scientific explanation, which is what makes it so valuable to humans because humans themselves are not explainable by science. It is a relay for human energy. Energy has memory, when you touch someone your energy and their energy release into each other and alter the zeros and ones of your essence to a new sum. This new and magnified energy of memory gets absorbed and recombined by all the 890076.0965 in your vicinity and the next time another human being passes through that region 890076.0965 will release the combined energy of your memories.

890076.0965, like all good transponders, detects, absorbs, reabsorbs and emits. Normally 890076.0965 just sits there, doing nothing, human energy approaches, 890076.0965 detects it, and creates an instant superfluid channel between itself and the energy, this is a stagnant activity, meaning that it requires zero manipulation from either 890076.0965 or the human entity. There are no moving parts, at least of the observable and detectable kind, though if you put the energy equivalent of ten suns made up entirely of humans, you would not only see space warped, but you would also see that human energy can bend light and create superfluid plasma or what we call Los. It is the Los superfluity that fills all the in-betweens of humans, in other words there is no separation between you and I and the others, and any others; we are all held together by superconductive forces that are amassed by 890076.0965; 890076.0965 relays only when it amasses and it only needs two humans to do that, of course there has never been a condition of one human.

It is impossible for this universe, or any universe to produce one human. Hence the reason why there are impossibles. Individuality is precisely impossible because of the existence of 890076.0965 for it mandates that a whole human is equal to two and two humans equal a humanity. Now you will say but how can that be, we have been told in earlier chapters that everything is possible and now we are being told that the universe would never make humans in batches fewer than two? Well yes, but if everything is possible so too must be the impossible; it is impossible for any and all universes to create simply one human because to make a human you need a humanity; when a universe spontaneously generates a kind of human it instantly generates two. And that spontaneous creation instantly generates 890076.0965 and the superfluity between the two. Your not alone, your never alone, you only feel alone because you have neglected your ability to feel.

So the best way to perceive 890076.0965 is to imagine it like a sponge, but a weird sponge because it is rather easy to squeeze but equally impossible to squeeze. Why? Because only you can squeeze it, only your proximity can warp 890076.0965 so as to cause the superfluity transference between it and you and the others. 890076.0965 can be next to a massive blackhole or next to a sun ten times bigger than the most impossible sun, and it wont release any human energy, none. This is one of those strange and formidable cases in which weight doesn’t matter.

Gravity has its limits. There are dimensions that are created by gravity that gravity doesn’t affect. 890076.0965 lives in these dimensions. As you can see 890076.0965 is really an impressive impresser. And it has one more added value which we have hinted at but have not clarified. 890076.0965 is a mixer without presence. When human energy is in storage in 890076.0965 it does not age, dissipate or require sustenance. 890076.0965 is the ultimate in hibernation environments. The human energy enters into a timeless, weightless and zero consumption environment; but the energy memory is entirely recombined into a new memory every time that a new human energy touches the vicinity of 890076.0965. that is to say that a recombination takes place so that all the human energies are gathered into a singular humanity energy, and it is that energy memory which is transferred to any and all humans who, with proximity, induce an emission mission.

You have been updated.