The human race has a particular problem with all this giving that it must take upon itself in order to compose the thing we call a humanity. Each human particle that composes the humanity feels a responsibility to itself that is greater than the responsibility that it feels towards humanity at large. This significant problem rises from the quandary of being an undefined identity crisis. Humans have a natural propensity to question who they are, that cannot be changed, that is who they are can not be changed, but humans like to question themselves and doubt themselves to the point where they may cripple themselves and by such even cripple their humanity. Monkeys don’t sit around wondering who they are, humans consider this an inability to question and call it ignorance, you must be able to question and to doubt, monkeys don’t practice either because they know their nature to well. Humans of course question themselves all the time: Why am I here? Such a question immediately implies ignorance. But rather than accept it as such the bright human being tries to answer his or her own question. Because god created me is a popular answer. Who is god? God is the creator of all things. Oh ok I understand now. The possibility that the implications of the existence of god defy all knowledge, including the knowledge that there is a god, is not a quicksand quandary for humanity. Humanity will not acknowledge the permissiveness that knowledge allows itself; this is the safety pin, we can have knowledge of an infinite and omnipotent perfection, the safety pin.
From another remarkable point of view there is rational knowledge, and this one we must question with a different tool. Proof! Empirical proof. We are not repeating ourselves here. The belief in science is just a belief, a combined agglomeration of proofs, which become the laws to live and act by. Big bang becomes a subject of concentrated study, there are a great many angles from which to look at the big bang, its first five minutes or the edge of the universe, but no matter how you look at the big bang, as long as you are looking into it, if only to disprove it, you are creating and recreating the framework, and orbiting around, big bang. It is the agglomeration of belief, not the principle that matters, if enough people believe it then big bang explodes. It has to, it can not do otherwise, it is not given a choice, the evidence will be traced and found, there will be remnants of the big bang everywhere, and these will be like crosses or rosary beads; why can this be even if it might not be so? Because the universe has evidence for anything you want to find in it. You want to find an all cosmic loving god the universe has gods by the lot full. Call it a force, call it nature, call it an awareness, call it an order, the universe can give you the evidence that you need to prove yourself correct. The only thing the universe can not give you is just the thing itself, the real god or the real law or the real truth, the universe is just not absolutist enough to give such substantial evidence.
At first this may seem like a dismal view, but then you have to look at it from the point of view of the universe, you are really truly a very insignificant aspect of the universe. I am here to tell you that, I am delivering the message, and in fact you are a saboteur, a monkey at least is faithful enough to believe in self-being, sufficiently not to doubt itself and start asking questions, but humans, you, you really are trying to interrogate the universe, and I am here to tell you that such could corrupt the fiber-continuum of the universe. You are at odds with the universe, and this, at least in principle, implies that one of the parts of the universe, however insignificant, is wondering if it ought to exist at all, in other words, you are the suicidal consciousness of the universe. And your draconian measures towards belief or unbelief, certainty and doubt, are a fanatical view of something that is complex and radical in its undertakings, which means, that the universe can not be known and more traumatic for you, the universe can not acknowledge you fully. Your self doubt is caused by the universe’s dislike of the very ambiguity that you represent to it and to yourself.
Imagine what you would do if you did meet god. God comes down in all his immaculate conception and sits next to you and asks you: “hey how are you doing?” The mind boggling conception of that is so huge that you would just burst all of your neurons and collapse to your immediate death, thus embarrassing god and the rest of us. You can not obtain to the idea of sitting next to god, you can not obtain it, why? Because you would not be able to capture that moment without dying from neuron explosions. It is a complex idea this thing god, and complex ideas have overwhelming structures which can not be assimilated by the brain of a human. This is why most people have to be dead to meet god and have breakfast with him. And it is also why most people even when they die don’t get to god, god is very unobtainable and inaccessible. The proportion of god is so mighty and huge that it is beyond our grasp; and yet it is reasonable to suspect that we created god. That whatever this thing god is, in whatever its manifestation, it is possible to suspect that we are one of its most important constituency, the constituency of belief. In short, god exists and we may have created him, but we can not see him or touch him because by the very definition with which we have chosen to believe in him, by that definition he can not inhabit the earth, there is no place here for a perfection, he can not inhabit the known universe, there are too many disorganized and chaotic things happening in it, god by virtue of the perfection that he has made of himself or and we have made of him, has been alienated from our universe and zapped to another colorless, tasteless and formless dimension.
Spectacular as that especial delivery might sound it is not improvable; just fixate yourself on the fact that god requires absolute faith. Absolute faith is a very powerful thing, it is perhaps the most powerful thing in the known universe, one can only ponder its effects upon other, more or not susceptible universes and dimensions; we are at risk here of the hazards of a mortal existence, at least from this angularity, but this is not to say that we do not radicalize dimensions and universes with our faith.
The need of a fixated belief is composed by the uncertainty. We ask ourselves who are we and we want external answers, only the universe does not know who we are because the universe, at least ours, is not a universe of knowledge, our universe just feels, it just touches everything, and touching is not thinking, so the universe can not answer our prayers or our questions, it can only remain silent to what it does not hear. When we sonar out our feelings of being with formidable puzzled rationalizations that do not echo back to us, but rather get lost in space and survive only as we continue to compose them, it is then and only then that we realize our solitude, we might be the only loners in the universe, and everyday our knowledge makes us hermits amidst an all feeling universe, knowledge is a cold chisel by which we alienate and perform our ritualistic suicide. A monkey wouldn’t know how to do this, just wouldn’t know it.