Most people imagine perfection as the ultimate. The ultimate and best of whatever it is, the reality is a little different, perfection is distorted by its association with universals. Everything that congregates around the perfection makes it imperfectly balanced at its own expense. When discussing the perfection one can’t escape discussing the only exemplar to perfection, God. The immaculate adorable precious being that knows everything, is everywhere and never dies and worst, because he is perfect never changes. Never changing has to be one of the clearest signs of perfection, is that the thing does not have to change and that because it does not have to change it is superior to its environment if not wholly out of touch with it.
Perfect things by their very perfection must isolate themselves in order to retain the purity of their perfection. Perfect things have no need to mingle, in fact mingling might contaminate them and destroy the perfection. It is this premise which causes religious zealots to want to isolate from the pagans and induces them to prefer weddings between those of mirroring moral and religious principles. The obtainment of perfection is thus an sterilization which makes the perfection untouchable by the surroundings. At least in principle this must be so, God can not be altered by a catalyst, a single individual regardless of how saintly is not able to change the constitution of God. God is impervious to influence, he can not fall victim to the whims of the times. Perfection is impregnable.
This lack of capacity to mutate, and the lack of adaptability makes perfection very demanding upon its surrounding environment. If the perfection can not mutate or adapt, if it has to remain the perfection then it must bleed everything else around to death. This is because the perfection must convert everything around it to its mindset and to its character structure. Perfections don’t eat because they convert. Perfections don’t digest because they don’t consume they amass, it is the Chinese checkered board, you want to have more of one of the two colors, black or white, by passing over the pieces you sweep them to change into your black or white character, but it is not a violent change, it is a conversion, the piece becomes the character of the sweeping influence. This is the sumptuously majestic perfection the more your environment is like you the less you have to consume it because you are the environment, the environment cycles through itself, the entity affirming energy is acquired throughout the emulsifying composition.
The universe is a perfection, if you look at it from the perspective that the universe can die a few suns and sweep away infinite quantities of matter into blackholes, and that the universe orbits around itself in grand unanimity even as it seems clearly compose of disparate entities they are all congruent to the fabric universe and are the perfection of the universe in that they continue to persist seemingly for eons without changing much or so at least it is apparent to us seeing it from the perspective that the signature of stars seems so consistent from one humanity to the next. Bottom line, you can’t get to be a universe unless you are largely a perfection. The universe is consistently itself.
The question that begs asking is why we can see the perfection we call universe and why we can not see the perfection we call God? Perhaps the universe is less perfect than god and perfection merges into invisible dimensions which may form the essence of things that are visible. One would certainly want the spiritual world to be more that the time-matter-energy oneness composition Universe. Is god within the universe or does he extend beyond its borders and dimensions? Flatly I don’t have an answer for this, I do consider both the entities, Universe, God as perfections of their idealic sense of self representation. Neither you nor I are going to challenge the form and nature of the universe, we are a subcomponent of it, it appears that while the universe may need us to feel it and desire it so that it continues to persist in its sense of existence, it is also imaginable that the universe can and does largely exist without paying much attention to us, which implies that we are not fundamental entities to the conceptualization process of what we call universe. In fact a universe might require a god more than it might require human existence, this I say though human existence might be a requirement for the creation of a god thing, that is that in order for god to evolve into existence he might have to first start out as a humanity, and it is only once that humanity becomes a god thing that it endemically grows within the infirmity of the universe. But after the god essence becomes a God it does not need neither humanity nor its devotion because it becomes a self embodied perpetual spiritual motion entity.
The implications of this magical possibility are severe for a humanity. Any humanity that can not become a God entity is doomed! Which makes it all the more interesting because their might be as many God possible compositions as their might be humanities, that is the God building primal elements which may lead to the composition of the thing we call God. Of course the humanity itself does not realize that it is evolving into a God entity perfection, it may actually believe that it is all important and that God will work for it and protect it and bless it, and forgive it, but the God thing is not aware of the humanity that will compose it, because the God thing extinguishes and better said sheds the humanity that forms its divine essence. When the humanity becomes the God entity, it is no longer a humanity and while on the process of making itself a God entity all humanities would naturally be endemically atheists!
It might not help you any to imagine that you are just a worker ant building the edifice from which a God thing will rise, and that thing wont be anything like you are only it will be because you were! Makes you love history more but not the eventual posterior happenings. The reason why you are evolving into such an unrecognizable entity its because you are a perfectly imperfect entity. And imperfect entities are always trying to perfect themselves which unknowingly brings about their own demise.
But not to worry for perfection too has a problem and this is the root of what we are addressing here, not your problem but the inherent instability brought about by a perfection which must be by nature at war with anything that is not like it, which is why all perfections seek to make everything like they are. The universe must worry about anything that is outside of it, the universe must swallow everything in its vicinity. The composition of infirmities is always tinny no matter how grandiose, because there is always an external that is defined by the perimeter of “entity”. Which is why the extreme of perfection is so tiny even as it is an agglomeration of varied entities that become the entity. This is all so beautiful eh!
Many people, sadly, Rosa included and specially so, believe that capitalism has not reached its perfection. They believe this because they see all the flaws in its fabric, but capitalism is a perfection merely in that it largely has eliminated resistance to its cause vital! Perfection can not be measured in any other way until the outmost perfection is obtained by an entity, which Capitalism can’t obtain because it will evolve into something else, and evolution, by its very nature, mandates incomplete perfection. This is to say that Capitalism is almost irresistible, people and their societies are more likely to clamor for it than not, when a thing eases resistance to such a degree it largely becomes immune to external forces that may compete against it, and thus they will propagate themselves more swiftly which will cause them to reach their point of evolution into something else much sooner than not. The less antagonism that capitalism acquires from the social forces the faster it is speeding towards its own demise. Just as it is likely that the Universe is about to become something completely different and just as it is likely that God due to its entity of self perfection is highly exposed to either extinction or to a brutal evolution which might make God merely the working ant of something with more grandeur than God; just like that, it is imaginable that Capitalism is not the end thing itself of any idealistic economic system, and so it must perish much as its feudal ancestors have done. Of course today there is nothing more alive than capitalism, equally that dictates that there is nothing closer to its own demise!
The future is always different than contemporaries dream it to be. One can’t imagine the Romans imagining a future like the one we have today, the Internet was not a visionary Roman ideal, and when I speak of the Romans you don’t imagine for long that I am speaking of the Romans as they are today, your cognition and sensibilities tell you that I am speaking of the great Romans that once were, a far cry from the Rome of today. You know evolution can be a cruel thing then, eh.
Today one of the least credible things I can say, is that the future will not be composed of knowledge and technology; yet the very essence of the future, as it has come to be known, mandates that it will be completely different than anything our expectations can formulate. Based on pure intuition we can conclude that the future will be voided of all technology as we know it, that it will have done away with science and even democracy (that is as we know it) and capitalism, and that our progeny will think us wholly barbarian for measuring wealth and productivity or caring so blindly about the raw antagonism of individuality.
Remember then to measure a perfection more from an ease of flow, a lack of resistance, without an opponent Dinosaurs perfected their certainty of identity and idealize their absolutist destiny, and it is then, at the height of their invincibility, that the propensity of their demise punctuated itself to extreme potentials.