Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Value Of Referential Reverence

In the grand spectacle of the grand there is one thing we need to acknowledge about the concept of civilization, it is merely human. I don’t want to understate this, equally I don’t want to understate civilization, it is daring to be human, it is daring to accept this type of existence and personification in the concept of being, it is therefore a human daring to make civilization.

Being, is the fundamental premise, a rat has to first accept the concept of “being” in order to be, that is in order to exist, once it does that, it can be a rodent, and then a rat. The same obviously applies to humans, they must first accept the concept of being, then accept the concept of humanity, and consequently accept the concept of being a human.

Ogle please the idea that before being a human you have to be able to exist within the conception of a humanity; you don’t get to be a human without an endemic consummation of your relationship energy with humanity, which can only be arrived at through humanity itself, you have to get the global and even universal implications of humanity, and indeed be apart of them, before your humanity gets broken down to the concept you comprehend as human. You are then always part whole of humanity first, and human through a reduction process, that minimizes the concept of humanity into a non divisible singularity of humanity, called a human.

This applies to all things, it does not matter whom or what you are, you must always accept the concept essence, which is indeed the fundamental essence, by which anything can dream itself a mode of being or/and existing. When you hear the seemingly paradoxical question of what came first, the chicken or the egg, the answer is neither, first you had to have the concept of birds, within the conscript of such a concept there are chicks and eggs, the eggs spontaneously become a masterful necessity of the concept, as much as an inevitable accomplishment of that necessity; yet this is not to say that there wouldn’t be birds that could come into being without eggs, eggs are a consequential circumstance of the concept of birds. But while both chicken and egg are of mutual requirement, you can rightly conclude that the chicken came first because the Idea Essence of chicken makes chicken eggs a reality.

To this, some will maintain that we are in a paradoxical condition, this is only true if you are a linear thinker, in the universe linearity is a most observable concept, but other than being very obvious it does not in itself comprise nor make up the norms or laws of the grander concepts which call the universe into being, or a chicken to hatch. This will be very difficult for you to believe particularly if you don’t have it in you to feel your self essence as it may have been arrested by logical straining. Thinking logically is not as natural as you might imagine, it is actually something that requires you to think a bit beyond your humanity and essence, it is in short a highly theoretical concept, created by the thing called human that id divine from the fundamental concept of humanity. When you get to thinking logically you have arrived at a concept that you have divined to resolve the things which your isolated entity can not resolve without your humanity. It is your lack of feeling your essence humanity that invariably gets you into this high level theoretical ground problem we call logic; which due to its very singular nature has to by essence be only linear. You being the starting point. Ironically for logic, you are also the ending point. This is why you can get yourself into paradoxical loops so easily. The processing brain for logic is you, the loop is as big as you can imagine the linearity, the faster you stumble into the loop, the lesser your ability to imagine the hypothetically linear concept of logic.

The concept of beginning and endings are largely logical constructs, this is you taking those baby steps into the realm of logic, yet there is no sillier question than “where did I come from?” a wiser question might be “where am I going?” Where you come from is an event, that event has obviously already taken place, hence the reason why you can ogle yourself, the origins of that event don’t much matter because those conditions already took event which implies that they are conditionally subject to occurring, and not your real problem. You exist, others will exist. Your real problem is persistence, “can you continue to be?” or “is it even worth it to continue to be?” Your real question is not then “why do I exist?” You may not be aware of it but the answer has already been given, you exist, that you exist is the answer to that question. You would not exist if you had not given yourself energy the required desire state for this existence within this being that you already are. In effect, you’ve already answered the question of why you exist by existing, that is the answer, if you want to ask yourself that question again, in order to validate its necessity you will have to commit suicide, the question can only make sense from the perspective of none being. If you don’t exist the question is “why should I exist or desire to exist?” when you answer it with an affirmative supposition then you come into accepting humanity, and onto exist in the being concept of human.

Which not accidentally leads us into another pregnant quandary, everything that divines its existence from you is wholly dependant upon your energy strain: Everything in that world we can call civilization. Humanity depends on a different energy strain than the one that you can observe, being you a cause of that, even as you might have had something to do with it, does not allow for much reflection; this is due to the subjective nature of all things, self examination is largely not possible, it is axiomatic that knowing yourself is only always a mere supposition. The universe invokes this quandary, not because the universe has anything to hide or even cares; hard to be a universe when you have something to hide, but rather it is because as soon as you know and are fully aware of your position in space time and nothingness, translate to this: as soon as you are fully aware of your self essence, as soon as you confirm your character authority, then wham! the universe and everything in it, immediately changes position in relationship to you and you to it, where then you might expand or fall or perceive a wholly different transmutated dimension. This is because comprehension is dizzying, comprehension always throws you out of the synchronized condition that you have eventuated; primarily due to a strange condition, you are what you are because that is truly what you already comprehend, further acknowledged comprehension disrupts your existing being, “as it is,” because it can not be that anymore because that is not what it now comprehends, nor could you really comprehend something that is already fully that comprehension by way of actual embodiment. Comprehension destroys the comprehended state.

With all that you may imagine that your senses are betraying you, but such is not the case, your senses merely reach an alteration point with every level of comprehension that you obtain. This is neither good or bad or morally sound, nor thus it reason that you will end in the hands of a mothering universe, or a god, or higher consciousness, its just an event, within the confines of the events that simply transpire throughout space time and nothingness. What is interesting then, is the parameters within these confines, which are really only interesting because you have access to them. Under those confines are the things that your self energy creates, they revert back to you for their reference point, and this is very interesting.

Imagine that the thing you call money, has only you for a reference point, in order for money to have any value, it has to refer back to you always, that is, in order to captivate its self essence. Much as your reference point is humanity, the reference point for monetary value is your individual ephemeral certainty of its value. Money is the capital of your labor and the labor done by others; that is first you must turn the energy that you posses within yourself essence into labor, that is kinetic energy, the reaction that your kinetic energy actuates creates a value called labor, which is in turn a catalyst for anything that you want to feel eventuate within the constrains of your being. Now, then, there is no value without your labor. If you don’t think it, don’t feel it, don’t nurture it, then the reference point for the thing we call labor and the thing of that we administer as monetary value will not be able to search back their value and will diminish in proportion to their diminished perception.

There is nothing illogical about this, in fact it is very observable thanks to the self gratifying concept of logic which works rather rationally well within the confines of anything that can be produced by the concept essence of civilization which is merely a minor consequence of some grander cosmic epic we call humanity; which ironically, has very little or nothing to base its own existence on that concept. The point of reference, is not necessarily dependant on the existence of the essence that it generates forward in time and space. Civilization as we know it, is not a requirement of the reference point Humanity. However the concept of civilization itself is indeed a microscopic anomaly or not of the reference concept Humanity. You can not necessarily surmise humanity from civilization but you can always conclude, from any angle, civilization from humanity.

The critical importance of this has to surmise the equal relationship importance of value, labor, capital, monetary unit, a nuclear power plant, chocolate production, etc… to the concept of individual. Stored up labor equals an energy factor of value. You can always reference the value of anything within civilization back to the concept of human. When the reference check is made by the perception of mass humanity, regardless of varying quantification, the end result will always equal the value of the aggregate reference value.

In summary, your proportional value to the concept we call humanity, is surprisingly calculated by your mutual acknowledgement of that value. Your value is wholly dependant on communal perception, your individual awareness is mandated by the communal reference point that ironically your individuality loathes. And most finally, your abstraction from your humanity creates theoretical practice.