Destiny, what is it? Does it really exist? Well I think we can answer the second question first and the first question second. First we must come to an irrational conclusion that might make me sound more like a scientist than an emotional irrational human being, such as I am.
Even in our irrational universe there are things that tend to contradict irrational, you have seen logic attempt to contradict the irrational, and you have seen scientists attempt to add certainty and clock work to the illogical universe, and you have seen knowledge attempt to make sense of fish and trees. All rational acts accomplished over an irrational foundation. That has no need to bother us, because it does not matter what you do to the irrational in the end you are being irrational. Can you imagine anything more absurd than trying to impose logic and knowledge upon the universe? And even when they succeed with very cute theories such as evolution or gorgeous theories, such as quantum, they still end up coming around to nonsense. Quantum for instance is nothing if not irrational, quantum does not make sense, and if you try to make sense out of quantum you will go crazy.
This is because quantum is closer to the universe than any other scientific theory, and like the universe, everything in it that is logical begins to breakdown, and so quantum can allow for such exotic beliefs as multiple, parallel universes, infinite linear life sequences, and moving backwards in time too is possible with quantum, it just does not make sense that logic should have device such a gorgeous theory, and it didn’t; quantum is a scientific attempt to return to reality. The reality of quantum is wholly based on scientific intuition, and scientific intuition is the most creative, the most sensitive, the most feeling, and when it reaches feelings beyond comprehension, it devices gorgeous theory.
Evolution is not gorgeous, it is cute, you would take her out on date but there could be no second date. Evolution is the most successful simplistic theory ever conceived and it makes too much sense to ever make it into the universe. Evolution learns from its environment, get it, evolution evolves based on its environment, get it, this means that evolution is local, that it is not universal that it does not cater to cosmic complexities and that it does not react to solar or universal forces. In terms of weakness, evolution is the weakest. Of course evolutionary scientists could yet surprise us and do like physicists and adopt something really radical that would equal in specter and magnitude quantum. They could for instance explain how at the macro level, biological life spontaneously appears in existence, and that it can also spontaneously combust. As has been observed by some combustion aficionados; though it is very difficult to prove either way. Still this difficult to prove thing is never a problem for science as long as they can explain the interaction that it has with the real world that we touch and smell. For evolutionist this would just imply that there was a part of the theory of evolution, the most important part, that might never be truly understood, though it could be peered at with instrumental explanations. It’s the look into the black box with the radioactive isotope variable and see if the cat is dead or alive to explain the uncertainty principle. Personally I cant imagine a word that brings better with it its own description than uncertainty, uncertainty is a meta word, a definition and a word; even a layman can deduce its meaning from any angle. Besides I am a cat lover, it is a silly inhumane experiment, and it is so black and white that one understands that if they had not used a cat no one could have gotten emotionally involved and if you are not emotionally involved then you are not intellectually involved but that cat has certainly expanded beyond the lesser feely touchy eternally falling tree in the forest that has everyone wondering if it makes a noise.
I think I can help some of you out of a quandary, the falling tree in the forest does make a noise, for nesting birds, bugs and parasites it makes a chilling sound, for the forces that begin to harvest the rot a congregation of exuberance, to those that are in its vicinity it makes a general alarm, for those that are a bit further away it might not make an audible noise but it will be felt, for those that are some what at a greater distance yet, they will suffer the repercussions of less oxygen in the atmosphere, and for those that live in another planet, it wont make any noise at all.
You can lump evolution into that mate, yeah evolution does not make a sound outside of the earth. Maybe in other earth like planets, where there are human like creatures, that have managed to eradicate their emotions enough to sound out a linear theory with no event horizon, maybe there it does exist; but I would argue that the event horizon created by logic that divides and mutilates complex emotions, is probably not a common thing in the universe, as evidence I present the indifference the universe has demonstrated towards us. It is always us trying to reach, touch and link up with the universe, but the universe does not seem to much feel it mutual.
Maybe a long winded point but it needed to be made before we launch an all out love attack on destiny. The universe is full of things, hence the name. Inside of the universe you can have interesting things which while not require to run the universe they are apart of it. Knowledge, life, love, god, are some examples of things which may inhabit the universe but have no underpinning value that makes them critical for the everyday goings of the universe. I know it must be hard to take, not to be especial and all, but you are especial to yourselves and that ought be good enough, fact be told most things are only especial to themselves so even that does not quantify as much personal egocentric satisfaction, but in perspective you are not a universe. Knowledge of course attempts to address this horrible situation by attempting to create something that goes beyond the universe. Something that does not require heat energy, the power glory of the universe is energy, god and knowledge are two creations that ought not require energy but may explain energy and the universe. This is all very interesting, since the universe is full of energy the rebellious human race has decided to create or intuit the very things that ought not require any energy. God ought to certainly require zero energy, else God would be able to contract or expand which are the two key functional dynamics of energy. Knowledge itself is energyless in stature save for the fact that it is generated by Brain, which wouldn’t think a single energyless thought, though thoughts being the product of the least energy full creature in the universe, do not use much energy, I am not a scientist but I would guess that a matchbox contains all of the energy required to power your life time of thoughts. Anyway the idea of course is to go beyond the universe, as much as a human being would like to say that the universe is infinite and everywhere, the reality is that the human race wants to find the edge, the end of the universe, so that it can claim to be truly more superior than the universe. The reason is simple, if the universe is infinite, then we will always be within its boundaries and never be able to look at it, in the way that the universe does look at us, inwardly. The most precious thing was being able to rocket ourselves into orbit and look at the earth, while it was a magnificent view, the earth got really insignificant that day, that very day, humans could say that they were beyond the earth, and being beyond the earth they could acquire mastery over it, hence that was really a bad day for the earth, because it was also the day that we acquired our visual confirmation of our independence from the mother planet. The earth can be replaced by another like planet, the earth is not the eternal home of humanity, the earth is certain to crash into the planet, certain to die when or before the Sun dies, but humanity, when it flew a spae craft out of the solar system, showed that it could survive, through mere reproduction and an ability to relocate, could survive billions of years from Sun. Sure reproduction is an interrupted continuity and Sun does live a longer life than human, but Sun does not have generations, we may die all the time but we reproduce faster, that is how we are going to go beyond sun, and in that trip, since we sort of lose our position in space time, we could technically go beyond the universe too, that is if we could find its edge. Hence the reason why we are so hungrily searching for the edge of light, the remnants of the initial big bang; the age of the universe, so that we can sort of figure out how far away we are from liberating ourselves from the perimeters of the universe.
Once you can see beyond the universe I don’t need to tell you that the limitations are few. That day the universe will become as small and insignificant as it has made us feel. Unless, and here is the unless that counts, there is such thing as the tyranny of destiny!