Can the universe be moralistic? Is it possible to wrong yourself? Is it even possible to wrong another?
Those are nice questions, they amount to many conniving patters, you won’t hit your bowling pins with any answer. Still you will ask them and more react upon them even though you don’t have the answer or even the certainty of the reality. When you feel remorse your feeling remorse because you know you have done something wrong or is it because you think you have done something wrong?
Obviously your feelings of remorse are only feelings, the problem with some serial killers is their inability to feel remorse in any substantive manner to prevent them from adding another victim to their bloodletting exercises. Remorse is a quality that you have the capacity to feel autonomously of anything else that corresponds to it. If you murder someone you don’t feel remorse you don’t possess that quality of feeling; if you do feel remorse then you have that quality of feeling. But the quality itself is not tied to the crime, only in so far as you connect it to it. “Remorse is something that you should feel when you commit a crime.” The connection is made by the thought process, which then instills in you the linearity of the feelings within the context of the events.
This applies in relationship to anything, the feelings of remorse, once connected to your psyche have the ability to serve you not only in so far as murder is concern but equally any other moral crime or sinful transgression that may fancy your fancy. More interesting is how remorse backfires too, for remorse may and does just as easily function to instill in you future fears or better put, future guilt of cheating on your wife, fear of killing someone with your car, fear of being discovered the pervert that you truly are; and this symptomatic aggrandizement is impervious to the associations that your inklings may possess within the social structure. In other words, visionary remorse has the capacity to isolate you from your fellows. It has the capacity to make you feel alone in the world even as it is impossible to imagine that your feelings are truly unique or that what induces them is genuinely something of which you are capable of accomplishing. Your feeling of uniqueness, in this aspect, induces negative reinforcement.
It is very complicated to explain away uniqueness since the world is so keen on believing in the whole thing. But at any moment that you are thinking that you are going to rape your neighbor’s daughter you can be sure that there are at least 150 others that are thinking the same thing. I say only 150 because I like some aspects of minimalism. The quartered idea here is that your not alone, alienation is something that you have to think to accomplish, and you think it, in this here particular, by feeling remorse, for past, present and future perceptions of ideas which you have incorporated into your personal psyche.
The universe of course doesn’t care if you do rape your neighbor’s daughter, nor does it care if you don’t rape her, it only cares about making you feel what you want to feel and what you need to feel and what you perceive those feelings to inspire within you. The universe is very flexible.
The universe is in fact so flexible that if the Pope, from the catholic church, wants the universe to make you feel remorse or and guilt, then the universe works out the formulae to make this possible within the social psyche of the Catholic and even Human species; maintaining a particular, obviously, to sentient beings; because rocks and amoebas, though not wholly inflexible to the idea of morality are still put off from it enough that they mostly refuse to feel it. However the point is that there is a substantial amount of the universe that wants to justify your feelings and so much so that the universe automatically creates an agglomeration potential for any and all your feelings and conceptions. That is if the Pope wants to make you feel guilty for pruning the altar boy, which normally he might not, then within the psyche of the catholic mass will, there will be the natural incentive for such a feeling to conceive itself. The universe doesn’t care and won’t care about the reality of the feeling nor if the feeling should and ought to have causation. The universe doesn’t need cause and effect, it can have cause without effect and effect without cause, the only thing that the universe requires and mandates is an observer. Someone has to see it happen and someone has to feel it happen, in other words as the universe feels itself wanting wants, it must feel itself being felt and being watched. This could be a criminal quality, the universe has no way of knowing what one hundred Hitler’s inspire in the universe, the universe only knows that they are alive that they feel and that they have a great impact, and all that leads to the rubbing that the universe needs to feel and to react. Between opting for a Hitler or for your local butcher the universe might opt to create more Hitler’s or that is, to create the conditions for more Hitler’s.
At our level of consciousness, we being the eyes and ears of the universe, the apparition of a Hitler becomes a menace to the “human” part of the universe, but once the universe has created the dynamic for such a despot the template is practically guaranteed never to perish within the possible universe. It could however happen in an impossible universe, one that is not like ours. To witness Hitler is to continue to promulgate his essence and his ideas and his template for future atrocities. History keeps the idea alive, and while some may imagine that witnessing the atrocities committee by Hitler will convince us not to repeat them, that is a very localize thought; the template is the universal, and in the universal any local energy that recognizes Hitler’s existence and studies it, is merely a maintenance worker for the essence template that is Hitler.
This is the nonchalant and folkloric reality of the cosmic consciousness which induces within us the creation of symptoms from templates. Of course I don’t expect you to believe any of it, your feelings of remorse would be to great for you to cope.