The masses, the masses! Everything is about the masses, the ignorant masses, the following masses, the blind masses everyone puts everything over the head of the masses. They are utilized to farm corn, mine gold, fish, they can be trained to vote, they possess mass appeal, they have religion, they mass purchase goods, they are a band of followers and watch out where the mass leads with its stampede.
Marx was inspired by the mass, so was Jesus Christ, so was Thomas Jefferson and Mao. Even Adam Smith thought he was out to help the masses and Lenin was eager to liberate the masses from the freehand. The only people that have never said that they want to help the mass directly is the very self absorbed scientists and evidently the honorable Hirohito former Emperor of Japan, though the latter allowed his son to marry a commoner. We won’t even bother to mention that great disdainer of the masses Margaret Thatcher.
The problem with all the people that want to help the masses is the very same problem that all the elitists have. One group doesn’t want to help the masses because they are elitists and have little regard for them except when it comes as a means of production and consumerism. The other group, those that want to help only care about the masses to advance their appropriate cause or idealism. To an environmentalist or a human rights activist the mass has mass appeal. To a communist the mass needs to be rescued, to an academic the mass just needs to be educated. Does a mathematician really want more mathematicians? Not really but they give it lip service, you just have to believe how learning calculus is so important to everyday life.
They are all elitists.
I have a friend that went to school to study law so as to change the laws so as to change the government so as to free the people.
It is all very pretty, wanting to rescue the masses, only wanting to rescue anything is fundamentally condescending. Imagine the environmentalists for instance, they want to prevent climate change, the world we inhabit has seen ice ages, magnetic polarity flips, huge asteroids have made it pass the atmosphere and presumably killed the entire Dinosaur species, and undoubtedly there will be future conflagrations and floods, and the climate will be changed dramatically by mother nature or cockroaches, but the greens want to stop the earth from warming up a couple of Celsius.
Any geologist will tell you that mother earth is under more threats from mother earth than from us measly humans. And the same is true of the mass but in a different way. The mass is under less threat of extinction than philosophers or romantics or poets. Evidence the extinction of prophets, the last great appearance made by a prophet please? And please don’t count Joseph Smith.
Of course the mass doesn’t care if you are trying to rescue it, the mass realizes that it can’t be hurt by you or your philosophy or your altruistic heart. This is because the mass ebbs and flows and simmers in the most humane spot possible. The spot of averageness.
To you or me it might be a bad thing to be average, but if you have average taste things are cheaper, almost anywhere you can find something good to eat, and most people think like you do which means that most magazines and books will say the things that you want to hear and politicians will bid for your vote.
The mass rampages through anything, there isn’t a democracy or a dictatorship or a monarchy or a feudal lord that has ruled with out mass appeal. Never!
Some countries would prefer to disown their dictators, but their dictator’s successes betrays an organized fact!
Even scientists require mass appeal. The space program, Mars in particular is pure raw mass appeal for technological research. Even the Atom Bomb is a spoke person for nuclear power. Some people have wrongly argued that more science could be done here on earth instead of wasting billions in putting humans on Mars. They are of course wrong, the fact that Mars captures mass imagination guarantees that more science programs will be funded at all levels.
The theory of evolution has mass appeal. Relativity with its quirky play with time, something that the mass is linearly locked in, and through age experiences a one way ticket to death, can now fancy that through relativity there could be a way to see yourself arriving as a baby before being born.
Quantum has of course the greatest mass appeal of all because of uncertainty, the masses are bored, the uncertainty principle can turn that into an immediate optional crisis. To say nothing of teleportation and the most endearing quantum entanglement, action at a distance without the cumbersome geometry of space and time.
The masses don’t sit and think well in order to experience some of the most interesting relativistic effects I have to get myself near the event horizon of a super massive black hole. They don’t sit and think that Quantum is a particle level theory and that they are too fat for quantum effects to toss them into another dimension.
How important mass appeal is should give anyone cause not to worry about the masses. More worry about your own individuality if it doesn’t have mass appeal. The masses neither need saviors nor are they exploited by the elite clans of this world. Rather the masses constantly adjust the world to their liking and always as little as possible because radical change doesn’t appeal to them due to its high discomfort and energy requirements.
But there is another twist in the wet towel effect. Your not going to change the masses because the masses are the medium by which all the hyped up types communicate. The masses are the steady stream of repetition that absorbs and channels and kindles potential throughout our humanity. If we are absorbed into mass appeal we cease to be because we exist in action and not in thought. The mass expresses itself only through action, the mass doesn’t abstract itself from reality, it subjugates its will to the here and now.
How does that delete metaphysics? It doesn’t, when metaphysics is ready for prime time it will surge through us all as one singular divine mass of self conductive. The problem for metaphysics is that it has not matured to the point of expression in the here and now. And it might never mature to that level, it might not even been possible for it to do so.
The aspect ratio of any reality is exotically based on its desire to exist.
Anything can exist if it can generate critical mass of desire.
The masses will willingly grab any desire as long as it is not out of reach.
The fools will keep trying to make heaven on earth forgetting that the spirit is for the spirit world.
Pause here: Logic comes from a distrust of emotion. The masses always overcome all logic.