Wednesday, August 30, 2006


The thoughts that come to mind when I think of knowledge as it has been conceived here, are stiff, solid, disciplined, sedentary, categorical, historical; posthumously accumulating facts and retracing instants so as to add longevity and depth to a conservative stance; these things are not normal to my dynamic multidimensional feelings and even to my squandered heartless thoughts, little as I spend on that latter they are magnified by the current hypnotic rational trance that embodies every aspect of our being.

The world to me is not intellectually or orderly contrived, it is based on emotions, something terribly went wrong when we fell in love with rational as rational and not as rational as a product of our emotions. My primal causes instinct tells me that rational is a logical emotional deduction. Unfortunately logic decided that it was the foundation, and has since tried to commit parricide. Nothing wrong with that, every child does it, only we ought not let it happen since it is to our detriment. Logic does not care about us, logic does not appreciate our human failings or our limitations, logic will kill any human being that it comes into contact with. Because logic is the suicidal son of our self-hated self; logic is the “I” saying to itself, “I hate myself, I hate my limitations, I am going to overcome my emotions and I am going to control the universe.” Nothing wrong with that because it does not cost logic anything, logic is the first hypothetical non entity to consume a living thing, human beings. Quite an accomplishment and we should be as impressed as we ought be scared. A metaphor for explaining existence and the universe has become a deadly virus running our wills and our worlds and we are doomed for it, and we cant recognize it because we can not see far enough ahead to see beyond reason and its counterpart knowledge. More horrible, even the past which is by nature sedentary, it will hold still for us to look at it for a little bit, even the past has been so fused with rational hubris that history is a deterrent rather than something we can learn from; history as it has been written, by the intellect, will not allow us to see the years before the intellect. The intellect is convinced, and has convinced us that before it we were blind and ignorant. We really don’t know if this is true, we really can not know it, and to become aware of what was before the intellect we would have to silence the intellect, and we are so enamored and dependant upon it, that we can not imagine being without it.

This book is an attempt to go beyond reason, and to recall what it was like to be without it, neither task is simple or doable under the current world order but just maybe…