Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Extreme Is Still Attached

Extremism is an interesting thing but that is about all; because exposed in the light of a universe based on congruency even the extreme is normal. Take for instance something as mundane as a radical acid rock band. Lyrics pounding out rebellion, anarchy, and the scatological right to be a misogynist, pedophile, drug addict, is a common theme. A common theme is not radical, but in this case, to add difficulty to our argument why don’t we suppose that hard edged acid rock bands, are indeed at the fringes of extreme expression. That they are a rare breed and not expressing a rather common young adult theme. Assuming this we can then grip the conclusion that they are prisoners of social constraints attempting a breakout. Acid rock is a tunnel for the psychological prisoner. Banging at their own brains acid rock listeners are actually trying to quiet their own brains. The loud banging, beatless music, void of melody, is a hammer to the head to accomplish the banging into a sadistic conspiracy with fellow listeners and musicians; to amplify the agony of restricted expression, and too the chiseling at the tunnel to escape, to find a way out, to reach the other side, acid rock is trying to perforate through to the extreme reality to avoid the painful dullness of averageness.

Unfortunately the extreme is a part of the whole and actually because it has to be, by its very nature; at the extreme it is then where two rather odd and mutually exclusive things occur, at the very extreme is the edge of the entity or object, which implies a retention wall strength, while equally and oddly, the edge is also the most diluted expression of the entity or object. It is near where it can be no more.

With this ruler in hand we can walk over to the acid rock crowd and feel quite at home with them. I am obviously not a fan, and so this is really extremist of me to say that I could enjoy an afternoon of Scum Sucking Pigs poking my eardrums with their toothpick pointed melodies, but with the above ruler, it is easy for me to see that Scum Sucking Pigs have more in common with me than I would like. Though they are radicals of the common they are still radical, which exemplifies an incongruence within the world order as we know it; that they don’t know how to attack it, destroy and much less have a valid alternative is equally obvious, and in so they share much with common individuals that display strong dissatisfaction with the system and yet have no way to express it or hammer out the faults. Perhaps the most strangest of things about acid rock lovers is how naive they are, how gentle, how uniquely self destructive; and yet the imposing perspective that gets expressed is one of radical insensibility.

And that insensibility that gets expressed allows the for the social repression, rejection and contempt of acid rock lovers everywhere. In summary they have been the most active participants nurturing a thrust of social antagonism which is used to denounce and limit their appeal. Without meaning to, but instinctively heading in that direction, acid rock lovers everywhere have created a “standard model” Mecca for radical extremism. Where now discontented individuals can go and form a part of a consensus, which renders them and their ideas harmless to the social order; in reality they are now wholly part of the social order.

In searching for inconsistencies that are genuine, one must always search outside the social or universal order. This is a very difficult thing to do, I am not sure that it is doable, it requires a true objectification which is precisely what no individual or subject can do without first killing the self or the entity attempting to step outside for independent confirmation.

I am then here to state for the record, that all suppositions of extremism are self-defeating, they will naturally be forced to recoil under the pressures that they mount against themselves with their boisterous naiveté. More humiliating, their expression will be allowed and not repressed for it is known that they will invariably collapse under their own alluding weighty matter.