All intelligent readers, that is to say readers that have to know because they don’t feel, will quickly take notice that while I have been busy condemning all the philosophies and theories that promulgate mono, individual, singular, isolated, and credentialed on a single concentric idea, while I have also made the same mistake because I have dispersed the universe, the beings and the gods, matter and energy, all from the nothingness. Which makes the nothingness Pangaea, or the center of the big bang or something akin to a single source creation myth lake. All this is a valid argument but like all arguments also invalid.
According to the energies of desire, that spring from the nothingness and gather momentum and amass like snowballs into an irreversible but perishable conditions which represent entities when they so choose to embody themselves, the desire itself is not a desire constituted on one basic truth or one central subject, or critically, not an intertwined agglomeration of representations. Rather the desire is isolated, immediately frozen in its condition, perspective and aspect, so that it can not violate itself and become something else as long as it is what it is, at least not without some considerable alteration to status as being or subject, and not without massive amounts of cataclysmic reactions. In accord with this I mean to say that your energy of desire, being a fanatic in its quest for representation, commits you, commits your neighboring entities, and commits the universe to maintain the condition that you are born into being, or any other condition as it might have desired itself, even if the desired condition turns out to be harmful to the entity which it is.
A rock tries to stay a rock and everything around the rock recognizes the rock essence and admits to maintain it in its conditional state of being, with its bound up limitations. The rock essence defines itself in permanence and a disciplined disposition which embraces the idea of solace and indifference. Which is why a rock is so easy to throw at some one, because of its indifference, even to its own disintegration by way of shocks; this sort of indifference is fundamental to a rock essence, and it is the sort of difference that guarantees that the rock environment remain much the same for hundreds of thousands or billions of years, rock have permanence due to endemic indifference, after a while, if you are not trying to change your environment, your environment will leave you alone and mostly forget about you, save for some resistance which it might feel, and may react to with eonal reflections.
The universe in turn has a silent and agreed duty for tolerance, hence the reason why it is made up of so many different entities and beings. The tolerance of the universe is what makes it so large, and huge, and so immense and so long lived, and so out of the way of everyone and everything even as everything is in it, though nothing can say it has touched its surface or limits, the entity of the universe then, consist largely in its lack of repugnance towards most things, its high threshold for tolerance, and its lack of antibodies, the universe doesn’t attack you! This, that the universe doesn’t attack you is sort of interesting, but it may in part be due to the fact that entities and essence acquisitions may themselves try to destroy you, being they parts of the universe, but the universe itself doesn’t possibly consider you dangerous enough to destroy the universe. Though one could destroy a universe through a conception of desire which could plausibly cause a universal implosion long enough to squash the resistance that the universe and everything within might feel. The leading prevention program for this sort of internal madness is that the desire entity would have to be within the confines of universe, and hence able to suicide the universe requires a personal level of recklessness that would have to out survive anything the universe could represent. Which is why the universe is almost wholly fool proof, though that is not to say that the universe could not suffer an unforeseen accident and begin to collapse from all sides oddly! The problem with this is that at any given time, most of the things in the universe are pursuing their desire for presentation, the things that are dying within the universe usually appear to be dying against their will, though it is probably truer that they are dying because they will it, which implies that the universe will not react against them nor day against the universe. Only a thing that does not want to die and is dying can hurt the universe but for the most part even these types of death denial entities will have a tendency to be minimal within the constrains of the cosmic entity.
Retrograde that thought and you can imagine that there is a zeal of approval that comes with arriving at existence and that marks an entity through the course of its existence, even if this existence suffers from the most primitive form of change, known to Darwinists as evolution.
An entity isolates the portion of space, time, matter and energy that is theirs to isolate and it warrants the surrounding environment to console itself by accepting the essence representation, as a part of the environment. This leads to a caustic denial of expansion and propagation, or at minimum creates a limitation which would require massive amounts of energy to overcome, reduce or destroy. Which is why an entity remains largely unchanged from phase one unto death; death being a catalyst for genuine and fundamental change mandates complete separation from the environment. As entities become accustomed to their surroundings they will fear change and hence attempt to recreate the morphing environment by way of environmental consciousness raising. Hence the reason why environmentalists are a most reactionary constituency. They have fallen in love with a particular version of their surroundings and will seek to create a static condition by harnessing energy to maintain it. Only problem for the environmentalists is that most things go extinct because they want to, they don’t like it here any more, they have lived out their desired idea essence, Dodo bird doesn’t want to return because the desired essence energy that composed Dodo bird got the picture, didn’t like it, and doesn’t want to be in it, at least by natural means. Yet environmentalists might have it in them to use Dodo bird DNA to recreate the Dodo bird symmetry but not the Dodo bird desired essence to inhabit this planet. Besides what is to prevent us from considering that the Dodo bird didn’t kill itself? Perhaps, assuming itself the only supply of food for an essence called cat, Dodo bird might have wanted to extinguish cat, or to make cat miserable by eliminating its favorite food, Dodo bird. This might be the only perfect explanation for Mad Cow disease and the Chicken Fever that overtook Hong Kong, a species, and a group of animals, such as cows or pigs or chickens may hate their host in the food chain so much that they may try to kill themselves so as to discomfort or starve the feeding soprano. Even so conservation gives reactionaries a caring issue to justify their natural tendency not to change. In the end the universe won’t care because the universe doesn’t know to care, and any and all attempts to prevent change will invariably result in failure not because the universe wants change but rather because all entities, even egomaniacs, eventually get tired of being themselves.
The pangenesis dependant universe does not actively interfere in the existence of subjects that represent themselves within its parameters. Entities cannot resist being themselves, they can only die or be killed when they get bored with themselves. The Dodo bird subconsciously imported cats so as to suicide itself and, the cats grieved when they realized what they had done.