The element of desire, a thing that makes something out of nothingness can make a fool out of anyone. It is easier to believe that rational is logical than to imagine it, as something the product of an aggregated desire. Yet everything must desire itself, even logic, the success of logic is due to the greatness of love that it has towards itself. But to one more important thing, logic is particularly successful because of how small its aspect ratio is.
In the vagaries and quandaries that mount a Universe and its composite structures, there isn’t a limit ratio to comprehension, but the conceptualizations which have smaller aspect ratios, (aspect ratio being the full context of what must be understood in order to conceptualize the idea of a philosophy, subject or and thing,) the aspect ratio determines the amount of concentrated belief that is mandated to grasp a concept and turn it into something that is usable, say for instance relativity, even as relativity is within the concept of space-time, and the concept of space-time entails dimensional structures, and those mandate a universe. And the pretty thing here is that the reverse is also true, the requisites are filled out at all levels and niches by the process of mandated desires.
The encapsulation of a concept within aspect ratio frameworks allows for hospitality, but hospitality is equally determined by aspect ratios of endemic comprehension, entities and things have to accept that they understand and embody parts or whole the aspect ratio of otherness. Logic then exist within the aspect ratio of a conceptualization we call human, the human brings about the possibility of comprehending the aspect ratio of a logic which can express a concept within the body of the universe. It is the simplicity of logic which makes it so easy for humans to fall in love with it. With logic everything can make sense. Never mind that everything can only make sense if it is portioned, quartered and maimed.
It is then an inherent tendency to simplify that generates linear conceptualizations of the non linear universe. Within the confined aspect ratio of the universe everything gets in the way of everything else and complexity and interrelatedness is inherent within the system, there is no simple way to look at the universe, and it is harder to understand, and impossible to explain.
We will of course attempt to explain the universe because the aspect ratio of a thing we call time is so miniscule that we think we have the time to figure it out. We don’t, the universe nor the things within and without care to be explained, they just happen to exist in the way that they happen to exist, the universe has one fatal flaw, and that is that it changes, and the hidden aspect ratio of the universe is always infinite % greater than any given understanding of it. Further, as quantum correctly surmises, observing the universe for what it is can only kill the observed objects present condition. Any attempt at understanding is deterred by the very attempts.
Women, for instance, intuitively comprehend this, which is why when they are being watch by a male they don’t bother to look back. They are aware that the fact that they are being watched automatically effects their atomic structures, at a quantum level they are able to perceive the effects of the agent that is observing them, including the degree of intensity, and that reflects his characteristics. This allows the passive feminine observer to detect the type of effect that the masculine observer has upon her without tampering with the information from her perspective. If the female were instead to gaze back at the male then the investigating energies would collapse each original essence into a new collage that would require a wholly different investigation, and external observers that were not willing to look. Such incident is called marriage, a hapless adventure for both, neither of which can genuinely ever observe the other.
The reason why a silent observer, or better put a non intrusive observer may acquire essence awareness its because once you accept that you are part of something then that something, strangely enough, becomes feel enabled. Everything naturally accepts something that is a part of it, a silent awareness of otherness gives insight.
The most difficult thing for entities to understand is the interrelatedness of things, events and subject beings. Yet it is the most common of things, interrelatedness that is. What do we mean by that, well that if you are in a market, competing to sell your products, and your brand is number one in the list of competing brands, that such maybe how the essence of the brand has placed itself based on your product definition and market assumptions. That is you are not in fifth place, you are in the place which the whole essence being of your brand, considering its interrelated aspect ratio with the other brands, is in. In other words, your brand and the other brands comprise a supra aspect ratio that does not take your individual willingness to be number one in the market but rather the global perspective of the brands as a single unit.
It is your inability to place yourself in a globalize supra brand perception point that forbids your brand from being number one. The number one brand undoubtedly has the greatest aspect ratio inclusion. Your brand is subjugated by its interrelatedness to the other brands and their combines perception of each other as a single brand. It is that simple.
Does all this mean that we are bound to fail in our endeavor to comprehend? Yes and No.
From the perspective of complete comprehension we will undoubtedly fail. The human race is one small aspect ratio of the universe. It is not the universe, nor was the universe centralized on the idea of humanity. It is therefore impossible for the universe to be within the confined aspect ratio of humanity which is how it would need to be positioned for us to reach absolute and unified comprehension of it all.
The relation of one aspect ratio to another determines the level of intuitive comprehension that we may possess over it, and our affiliation with supra aspect ratio induces leadership; a leadership produced ironically by communality. Communality of course is the essence of all leadership. But surprisingly, or better yet conclusively ironically, in our world, communality is deterred, everyone here wants to be original, without understanding that the grandeurs of the universe depend entirely on sameness, redundancy and repetition.
Finally from the perspective of our own comprehension, we certainly can satisfy ourselves. Our aspect ratio limits the degree of misunderstanding that we may comprehend. Moreover you must never forget to remind yourself that it is how you determine the composition of something that gives you the information, the information is deterred or influenced by the method you use to call it information.
Skipping to the greater cause, complete awareness; it is still more likely that we will comprehend the universe in its totality, to our satisfaction, from the frame reference of our aspect ratio. In blunt summary, it is the fact that we make the ruler that measures the universe that will keep us foolishly sane.